Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Snowballs, Snow forts, and Snowmen!!

I have been a huge slacker when it comes to blogging for several months now. But after a morning as exciting as this I couldn't wait! There is nothing better than waking up to this much snow a few days before Christmas. Tucker absolutely hates going to the bathroom in the snow in the morning...He will NOT do it. He stands there looking at me while violently shaking until I shovel him a little path in the snow.
Spoiled I know but he's my baby. :)
A little later the snow games began. This is the base of the snowman that Jared, Gage, and Kyler is making. I do not have a final picture yet. The other pieces of the snowman were too heavy for me and Jared to lift (I didn't even want to try) and so it will be put together later when Josh or my Dad are around.

My nephew Zach sitting on the ginormous snowball.

Zach LOVED the snow! We had a sleepover the night before and so we weren't completely prepared with snow gear for him but that didn't stop him. He played and played and discovered that he LOVES to eat snow. He didn't want to go inside but Auntie Heather finally had to take him inside (while saying "No no no...Outside") since he was getting so cold and wet. :(

Then it was time to build the snow forts. I took Zach in before they were finished and the snowball war began, but I will get pics of the finished forts and snowman later.
Here is Gage with his....

Jared in his fort..... Jared has been the funnest Uncle!! Having him around to play with the nephews is awesome for me and them!

And here is Kyler starting his fort. I love living in Utah! Its fantastic that the boys can walk in the backyard and play like real boys without any electronics! Of course when they're done they're back inside...wet clothes, coats, hats, gloves, boots, etc. all over the place... and they're back to the video games!

Tucker has decided that he LOVES to play in the snow too! He was out there playing with the boys the whole time and I don't think I've ever seen him so happy! I'm sure he will still need his bathroom trail in the morning though lol!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010


Last month we got a new puppy and we named him Tucker! Merry Christmas Everyone!